Just to clarify some things about my Christian Music Blog

Just a quick note I want to make it clear I am writing this blog just to recommend music that I own and like. Not all recommendations are strictly some songs and albums I recommend will be by secular bands that have songs that glorify the Lord. I am a and as such do hope that if even if one person reads this that they will check out some of the music I discuss. I am not exactly looking to convert the world, but if the message just gets out to even a few I feel I am doing some good. The bands and the are good even if you are not a check them out.

If anyone else has a problem feel free to comment and I'll deal with it. If it involves arguments on my specifically please comment at .

I feel Most of the artists I recommend such as share similar views as I do that the people that need the Gospel the most are under served. Music is a great tool to reach everyone.

Any comments are welcome

Thank you and God Bless!

I'll leave you with this great video

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